Dr Mark Lopez English Tutor | Melbourne, Victoria | Australia

Dr Mark Lopez is Melbourne’s VCE English tutoring choice for students and parents who want quality. 

What Dr Mark Lopez offers you is over 25 years of experience and a strong track record of success in achieving high results for students in VCE, SACs, and exams and high rankings in ATAR. 

To students: If you are highly ambitious or struggling; if you want feelings of confidence to replace anxiety, you have come to the right place. 

To parents: Dr Mark Lopez understands that the tension from these issues can reverberate through an entire family.  They need to be fixed so you can all be happier.  Dr Mark Lopez understands that you value a quality education as one of the best gifts you can provide for your children, and Dr Mark Lopez also understands the pride you feel in your children’s achievements.  

This is not an after-hours sideline. Dr Mark Lopez wanted to create something special and offer something that is possibly unique in Melbourne.  

Dr Mark Lopez understands the shortcomings and limitations of the current education system and he is an astute commentator in books and articles, as well as having been on radio and television articulating these concerns. 

Importantly, for you, this means he fully understands what is needed to bypass these shortcomings and limitations and he knows what is necessary to maximise the potential benefits.  

Everything Dr Mark Lopez offers is carefully thought through, then tried and tested.  Dr Mark Lopez has conscientiously and scrupulously addressed all your needs so you will be fully supported in every way.  

Dr Mark Lopez, English Tutoring, what you get:

  • The provision of knowledge-packed, engaging, enjoyable and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE LESSONS FOR ALL SACs AND EXAMS.  (You will be amazed at how much you learn in an hour. These are proper lessons where expert knowledge is imparted and skills are taught and refined.)
  • The provision of original, insightful, COMPREHENSIVE NOTES ON ENGLISH TEXTS (novels, plays, films, etc.) so you know exactly what they mean and how to express your understanding in essays that are precisely supported by evidence.  (There is nothing more satisfying and confidence-building than knowing precisely what the texts mean.)  
  • The provision of original, insightful, comprehensive notes on the ARGUMENT AND LANGUAGE ANALYSIS tasks, covering how to complete them effectively and an extensive coverage of forms of expression, evidence and logic (‘persuasive devices’)  that is of enormous educational benefit in addition to making you expert at this task.  (This is how it should be taught, as a short course on clear thinking and rhetoric, which is the art of writing and speaking eloquently and persuasively.) 
  • Practice in applying your new knowledge and skills, along with expert, constructive advice so you steadily improve.  (The level of improvement achieved through this practice and feedback process is often astonishing.)  
  • Expert training on the art of public speaking for your ORAL PRESENTATION.  (These skills, once achieved, can be applied forever because you will understand what is involved in being an engaging speaker.) 
  • Thorough, carefully-conceived, HIGHLY-EFFECTIVE EXAM PREPARATION.  (I have a talent for second-guessing the possible questions on the exam so I prepare you for every eventuality.  In this month-long revision program it is often possible to double the quality of the student’s performances.)
  • Expert guidance in ESSAY WRITING from a professional, published author that will set you up for a life of writing effectively. (This will raise your standard and bring out your best performances.)  
  • You will be shown HOW TO READ THE PSYCHOLGY OF YOUR ASSESSORS.  (This is an original and highly effective dimension of what I offer that can often be decisive in consistently achieving high results.  This insight means that everything you put into your essays and exam responses can be calculated to pay a dividend in grades. For example, it does not matter whether you have a biased teacher or an open-minded teacher, you just adjust your approach accordingly.  No matter what fate deals you regarding your assessors, you will be able to handle it.) 
  • You will receive INSIGHTFUL ANALYSIS OF YOUR TEACHER’S ASSESSMENTS AND FEEDBACK so you know the best ways to respond.  
  • While being tutored in English, you will be taught EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLS that are universally applicable that will improve your performances across all your subjects.  (Many of these skills can later be applied to achieving success in the worlds of business and employment.) 
  • The tutoring you receive is deliberately calculated to SET YOU UP FOR A SMOOTH TRANSITION TO UNIVERSITY, so you get a head start on the next stage of your education.  
  • Importantly, this tutoring experience is also intended generate the CONFIDENCE AND REFINEMENT of an educated young man or woman.  (This is one of the best results one could hope for.)  

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com 

English Tutoring for Selective Entry School Entrance Exams

  • Dr Mark Lopez has an extremely impressive track record in successfully preparing students for the challenging entrance exams for the selective entry high schools: Melbourne High School (MHS), Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School (Mac.Rob), Nossal High School, and Suzanne Corey High School.  
  • Dr Mark Lopez understands the reasoning behind the tests and what the examiners are looking for.  Consequently, he expertly trains these applicants in precisely the ways they need to respond in their essays, comprehension questions, and verbal reasoning.   
  • Dr Mark Lopez also understands the qualities in applicants that these schools are looking for so he focuses precisely on bringing out these qualities in these ambitious students.  (This insight is particularly important if application letters are involved.)  
  • Dr Mark Lopez also helps students prepare for interviews so they impress the selectors with their maturity and their thoughtful, considered and articulate responses.   
  • In addition, through Dr Mark Lopez’s expert guidance, this tuition is extremely educational in its own right,  dramatically improving academic and creative abilities and bringing out talents in students (such as writing ability) that they did not realise they had.    

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com

Quality education and High VCE ATAR results with specialist Tutoring in VCE English

You will save study time and make the study you do more productive because you will be focusing on what you need to do rather than lose time on false starts and wild goose chases.

Dr Mark Lopez recommends weekly lessons throughout the year with additional lessons approaching exam time.  This consistency provides for steady progress and the acculturation of the necessary attitudes and approaches that bring success.  Summer-starts, before the school year opens, are also highly beneficial, especially for those students starting tutoring at Year 12 level who have not previously been tutored by Dr Mark Lopez.  

Dr Mark Lopez will take students at any time of the year provided there are time slots available.  

Dr Mark Lopez has even taken in students at the last minute, in the weeks before the final exams, and provided them with a crash course and achieved great improvements.  

This is because Dr Mark Lopez always does his best to help students as much as he can in whatever time is available and in whatever circumstances these students find themselves.  

Any tuition with Dr Mark Lopez will be beneficial, even if it is only a few lessons.  

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com

High results are very important, but there is more to education

Dr Mark Lopez is proudest of the externally-assessed final exam results because they represent what his students can achieve on their own with the knowledge and skills acquired through his private tutoring.  In 2022, the overwhelming majority of his regular VCE students, 81.25%, received an A or A+ for the English final exam. 

Regular Students VCE English Results 2022

31.25% over 40/50

68.75% over 37/50

81.25% over 36/50

81.25% A or A+ in exams

Regular Students University Enter Scores (ATAR) 2022

56.25% over 90/100

25% over 97/100

12.5 % over 99/100

A word of advice, high results are very important but simple grade-greed is a limiting attitude.  While Dr Mark Lopez values ambition for high grades, a love of knowledge, including an appreciation of the value of facts and reason, is what he seeks to cultivate and what you would want to receive if you decide to be tutored by him.  Dr Mark Lopez encourages both the pursuit of high results and a quality education for its own sake.  

Private Tutoring in English can contribute to a well-rounded education that will facilitate a more confident approach to the challenges of school and of life

In addition, Dr Mark Lopez appreciates the value of GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, which is acquired through having a vitally important attitude: CURIOSITY.  General knowledge comes from the accumulation of knowledge from both formal and informal education.  Formal education is that derived through involvement with established educational institutions, like schools or universities, while informal education is derived from everywhere else, through what you read, view, listen to, to whom you talk, the experiences you have had, and, importantly, how you reflect upon those experiences. 

Dr Mark Lopez encourages and guides his students to tune into their world and become informed. 

Dr Mark Lopez expects all of his students to watch the news daily, and part of every lesson is spent discussing the news.  This is a vital dimension of a quality education that will improve school results.  In addition, it is also a dimension of acquiring maturity: the transition from youth to adulthood.  It contributes to becoming an educated young man or woman who impresses whomever they meet.  

Taking advantage of Dr Mark Lopez’s knowledge, students can learn about the background to the news stories and more about how the political, economic and other systems work so the news is no longer boring but becomes an intriguing ongoing drama in daily instalments.  At the conclusion of their tutoring experience, students will have an understanding of how their world works and be able to form more informed and considered opinions.  

Importantly, these discussions about the news are an opportunity to develop in students the ability to converse in an intelligent and articulate manner.  

  • For more information, read the Google reviews or visit the TESTIMONIALS page to hear what students and parents had to say

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com


Dr Mark Lopez is Melbourne’s choice for quality private or small group ENGLISH TUTORING for VCE, SACs, exams and ATAR

Dr Mark Lopez helps students from all types of schools: selective entry schools, regular high schools, faith-based schools and expensive private schools.  One of the challenges in providing high quality English tuition to this diverse range of students is that different schools cover different English texts at different times.  This can make forming study groups challenging.  

Dr Mark Lopez offers small group tuition at a lower rate than private tuition since there is less individual attention. 

However, for most students, learning an English text, or other course material, in a small group is just as effective as learning it individually.  

To take advantage of this saving, Dr Mark Lopez encourages his students to invite others at their school in their year level or in their class to form a small study group.  In this way students benefit from small-group tuition while studying the English texts at precisely the time they need to learn this material.    

Students who had tuition in a small group (of two or three students) have been some of Dr Mark Lopez’s most successful students.  

So, invite a friend, or a couple of friends, at your school to form a study group.  

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com

Students will not only benefit for VCE coursework and exams, they will be set up for university because they have been taught the art of proper scholarship 

Dr Mark Lopez is extremely concerned about the fall in educational standards in schools, so concerned that he has done something about it.  Aware that currently prevailing flawed teaching techniques have led to a collapse of fundamental skills in, for example, essay writing, research and note taking, Dr Mark Lopez compensates for this by educating his students properly in these fundamental skills. 

This enables his students to successfully transition to HIGHER EDUCATION.  In addition, he has made these skills available to everyone through his study guides:  The Little Black Schoolbook Volume 1 Essays and The Little Black Schoolbook Volume 2 Exams, available through Connor Court.   


Convenient location for VCE English Tuition close to the south-eastern suburbs and bayside: Brighton, Elwood, St Kilda, Toorak, South Yarra, Windsor, Prahran, Armadale, Malvern, Albert Park, Middle Park, South Melbourne, Port Melbourne, Southbank, the CBD and more

Ample parking nearby; close to convenient public transport links; close to CAFES and RESTAURANTS; beaches and parks close by for parents to relax while their student learns − however, parents are WELCOME to sit in on the  lessons if they wish.






Specialist VCE English Tutor Dr Mark Lopez (you can also find him on Melbourne Tutor Finder)

Grades are extremely important and they should be a priority. But a quality education is its own reward.

TUTORING REVIEWS of Dr Mark Lopez (Search for him on GOOGLE English Tutor Mark Lopez for more online reviews from prior students)

Click to read Reviews and Testimonials for English Tutor, Dr Mark Lopez

Sample Reviews:

‘Dr Lopez’s tuition provided me with a sense of extreme confidence in my English abilities. Consequently, I was able to outperform many of those whose only advice and guidance was provided by teachers who never seemed to go beyond “Do the best you can”.  Dr Lopez’s tuition allows his students to stand out.’
Ying, English 45/50, ATAR 98.45, graduated to study LAW

‘I walked out of my first lesson almost overwhelmed by how well I understood all those complex ideas. I knew I had a tutor who could actually teach the high level of writing skills for this demanding subject. It was a great feeling when my marks improved dramatically, especially when one of my essays was used by my class teacher as an example for the other students to follow.’
Duy, ATAR 96%

‘Dr Lopez doesn’t just teach you English, Politics or History. He teaches you about the world. He teaches you about human nature. His approach is unique and unrivalled. It will bring you the results you know you deserve. It will bring you the success you’re striving for.’

Christian, who graduated to study ARTS/LAW

Read MORE Reviews of English Tutor, Dr Mark Lopez (Testimonials) 

Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958  

Or email him on: drmlopez1@gmail.com 

Effective and rewarding English tutoring in MELBOURNE insightful and comprehensive English text notes and coursework notes, as well as highly effective Study Guides

Dr Mark Lopez can help YOUR CHILD excel in their VCE  

Dr Mark Lopez, author of The Little Black Schoolbook (volume 1 and volume 2) and Private English Tutor for VCE, SACs, exams and ATAR.


Phone or text Dr Mark Lopez on: 0419 310 958  

Or email Dr Mark Lopez on: drmlopez1@gmail.com 

Last updated 05 September 2021 by © https://doctomyweb.com

Dr Mark Lopez is an insightful commentator on education issues. 

Not only does he help individual students and their families, he campaigns for educational reform to improve the system for everyone.

Dr Mark Lopez’s recent publication:
